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NHS Queen

Hello and welcome back to my blog! Our appreciation as a country became evident when millions of people stood at their front doors to raise a thunder of gratitude for those working on the front line during COVID-19. Along with hashtags trending on social media, clapping hands was one of the ways we collectively showed our respect for NHS workers, care workers, pharmacists and supermarket staff. If you have had the chance to read my previous blog posts you will have been introduced to four queens, close to my heart, who have transformed a bad situation into one with a silver lining. Lucky for you I have saved the best queen until last! My sister, Claire Ramage has been fighting on the front line throughout COVID-19 and I could not be a prouder little sister. Please join me in reading the story of Claire Ramage, a nurse like many others who dedicates her life every day to saving others. And Claire if your reading, this is a one-off show of affection, so don’t get used to it! Luckil

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